Seeing is believing

Lead generation campaign expands and refines the sales funnel.

Are You Ready To Grow Your Revenue And Your Expectations?

Change takes initiative. Let’s get the ball rolling by reaching out and telling us about yourself, your challenges and your goals.

matroid computer vision case study by craig group


With its AI-powered visual inspection software, Matroid had a technology with applications in many industries. The company needed to generate leads, gauge their viability, knowing that some of the most profitable business could come from those who didn’t understand the technology.


Craig Group rolled up its sleeves to research the market. Identifying the most relevant search inquiries, we created SEO-optimized landing pages aligned by industry. Through keyword targeting on Google and programmatic media, we aimed our campaign at the most lucrative prospects, tracking leads through the sales funnel with a custom CRM, then feeding those insights back to marketing.


Our new infrastructure became a revenue machine, helping Matroid refine its efforts to garner more profitable business from high-value clients, continually optimizing its marketing ROI.



increase of inbound pipeline


Decrease in cost per lead