Business to Business (B2B) vs. Business to Consumer (B2C) Data Analysis: Implications for B2B Marketing and Sales Strategies

digital marketing b2b

When focusing on revenue growth in business to business companies, analyzing data to develop and optimize strategies is one of the biggest factors in sales and marketing success. However, the process of evaluating B2B data differs significantly from that of B2C. B2C analysis is often straightforward, focusing on consumer behavior and e-commerce transactions. Unlike B2C,…

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Leveraging the Power of Digital Marketing in Health Care

digital marketing in healthcare

How health care companies – from huge systems down to primary care practices – can launch impactful digital strategies to drive, educate, and engage consumers. There are nearly 1 million health care companies in the U.S., making this industry a competitive marketplace where consumers have the advantage. And top of mind for health care consumers is accessibility,…

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Five Strategies for CRO Success

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Within the past few years, a new role has gained prominence in the world of private equity-backed companies—the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). Unlike traditional organizational structures where various groups are responsible for revenue, the CRO takes responsibility for the oversight and coordination of all revenue-related functions.  The CRO is hired to be a change agent…

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